The Youths of Penang Wesley!

Archive for December, 2017

Josh Hse at Christmas Kids Praise 2017…




YLDP 2017 – “Lead With Conviction”

This year, Josh Hse sent Grace Wong and Joanna Lim to YLDP 2017 at Ipoh Wesley Methodist Church. This year’s theme, ‘Lead with Conviction’ was based on the book of Exodus, on the character of Moses. Here are the write ups of the camp from both participants:

GRACE WONG…Upon arrival on the first day, we had our registration and thereafter, shown to our dorms where we will be staying for the next few days. Our first night plenary session was on how “God breaks before God makes”. [ editor’s note: I gather it was how God humbled Moses from his high position in Egypt before he was used by God to deliver God’s people from slavery ].

The second day we learnt about our body at the level session. We also learnt that the Bible is God’s ‘owner’s manual’ for man. That night during plenary session we learned that God uses ordinary people/situations and makes it extraordinary – showing God’s power and control over all things. We also learnt about the the Tabernacle and how God gave specific and detailed instructions for it to be built. The purpose of the tabernacle was to illustrate how the people are to approach God in their worship of Him.

The third day during level session, we learned about “Invisible Friends Through Internet” and also, what can be considered ‘Cool’ or ‘Uncool’. We got to know about the benefits and dangers of social media. During the ‘Cool’ and ‘Uncool’ part, we got to know that God looks into our hearts. During the night plenary session, we learnt that we are like the Tabernacle – the masterpiece of God and that we should not grumble like the Israelites in  the wilderness; where their mumble became grumble, and then turned to rumble and eventually, outright rebellion against God.

The fourth day’s level session, we learnt how to make right choices in life – through the way God teaches us to think in ways that are honourable, true, just, pure, lovely and commendable. We were also taught how to make right choices in respect to our eyes, ears, mouth, heart and body.

Overall I think the camp was very good. Except for the sleeping place. We slept on foam type mattresses that made many of our backs ache. The worship and sessions were pretty good and I enjoyed myself in this camp.


JOANNA LIM…On the 6th to the 10th of December, Grace and I attended ‘Youth Leadership Development Programme’ (YLDP) 2017. It was my third time attending it and the experiences I had there were still as great as the past two years. This year’s theme was ‘Leading with Conviction’ which was mainly speaking about Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt into the promise land. We learnt that when the most ordinary thing/person is placed in God’s hands, it becomes extraordinary because God is powerful and whenever He has a plan, He fulfills it according to His will and not ours.

Other than that, we also learnt about the Tabernacle, found in the book of Exodus. God was so specific about all His instructions on how this Holy Place was to be built. BUT now that God has sent His son Jesus Christ to die on the cross on our behalf to take away our sins, the curtains were torn and we can now have communion with God without a barrier. We learnt to not complain and grumble like the Israelites, but to be thankful in all circumstances. What Christ has done on the cross for us granted us salvation, not by works but by faith in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Saviour.

Besides the plenary sessions, we had fun during the team building sessions which were also very tiring, running around together with our group members, playing games and bonding with each other. There were also devotions in the morning and buzz times at night with our respective devo groups where we can freely share our thoughts and feelings with each other, praying and doing devotions together.

Overall, it was an amazing experience, being in the presence of God, praising Him and learning more about Him along with many others who are all filled with passion for Him. I thank God for giving me this opportunity to be able to learn a little more about Him and meet old and new brothers and sisters in Christ! It was indeed a memorable and unforgettable one!

…Grace Wong and Joanna Lim together with a group of Penan youths at YLDP 2017…